Age of Majiority

We have observed a huge gap in how the marketing world perceives, portrays and engages today’s mature consumers. Ground-breaking research from Age of Majority found marketers disproportionately invest in youth under false assumptions about aging consumers. We felt it was about time that businesses focused on the largest and most lucrative opportunity available. That is why we launched Age of Majority, supported by our collective 30 years of management consulting, brand management and agency experience. The Age of Majority leadership team oversees the design and execution of all client work, thought-leadership and speaking engagements. They are supported by a team of consultants and bolstered by AoM’s key advisors and an extended network of subject matter experts.

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Il Gruppo francese AEGIDE DOMITYS sbarca in Italia con il primo “Senior Serviced Residence” a Bergamo

Fonte: Company – 12/12/2019 Più di 12.000 appartamenti in funzione, 10.000 residenti e oltre 100 edifici operativi in Francia e Belgio, a cui presto se ne aggiungerà...

Passato presente futuro. Il cervello crea il tempo, lo manipola e lo cela all’autocoscienza

Professore emerito di neurochirurgia e neurologia all'Università di Zurigo.Tra i suoi saggi più recenti spiccano "Neurobiologia del tempo" (2017), un'indagine a tutto campo...

Ageism in advertising: serve my interest, not your lazy profiles

We’re the generation who invented rave culture, but advertising thinks we’re cholesterol-riddle harpies who can eat only soft food. Vicky Maguire per Campaign – CEO...

Can we live longer but stay younger?

Adam Gopnick per il New York Times, in seguito pubblicato su The New Yorker. Aging, like bankruptcy in Hemingway’s description, happens two ways, slowly and then...

La differenza tra cavalcare l’onda e aspettare che ci travolga.

A settembre dell’anno scorso il Governo Britannico ha delineato le linee strategiche della politica industriale del paese, articolandole su 4 grandi sfide: intelligenza artificiale e big data;crescita...