
Ken Dychtwald and Bob Morison are co-authors of What Retirees Want: A Holistic View of Life’s Third Age. KEN DYCHTWALD has spent the last 35 years studying the lifestyle, marketing, health care, and workforce implications of the age wave. He's a psychologist, gerontologist, and best-selling author of 17 books on aging-related issues. His firm, Age Wave, was created in 1986 to guide companies and government groups in product/service development for boomers and mature adults. ROBERT MORISON is a researcher, writer, speaker, consultant, and authority on what happens at the intersections of business, technology, and people management. He has been leading breakthrough research for more than 30 years, collaborating with eminent academics, thought leaders, and management innovators.

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Can we live longer but stay younger?

Adam Gopnick per il New York Times, in seguito pubblicato su The New Yorker. Aging, like bankruptcy in Hemingway’s description, happens two ways, slowly and then...

Passato presente futuro. Il cervello crea il tempo, lo manipola e lo cela all’autocoscienza

Professore emerito di neurochirurgia e neurologia all'Università di Zurigo.Tra i suoi saggi più recenti spiccano "Neurobiologia del tempo" (2017), un'indagine a tutto campo...

Longevity And Retirement: 8 Great Habits To Rock Life As You Age

by Roger Whitney ContributorRetirement - Forbes 25 Oct. 2019 You are your habits. Every single one of us has habits that impact our lives, but they’re...

Il Gruppo francese AEGIDE DOMITYS sbarca in Italia con il primo “Senior Serviced Residence” a Bergamo

Fonte: Company – 12/12/2019 Più di 12.000 appartamenti in funzione, 10.000 residenti e oltre 100 edifici operativi in Francia e Belgio, a cui presto se ne aggiungerà...

Il tè verde fa bene alla salute del cervello

Uno studio recente condotto da ricercatori della National University of Singapore rivela che le regioni cerebrali di chi assume regolarmente tè verde sono meglio organizzate, il che...