Roger Whitney

I’m the host of the award-winning retirement podcast, the Retirement Answer Man podcast, author of the book Rock Retirement, and a practicing advisor walking life with people over age 50 transitioning into retirement. I’ve found most retirement planning reduces your life to a simple math problem. Your generation is likely going to live longer, be more active and have more financial responsibility than any previous generation. As a result, traditional math-focused planning usually generates a series of unappealing, limiting choices. After years of practical research, I developed the Agile Retirement Management process focused on helping people think more creatively about their life and having the right little conversations about life and money. There’s a place for investments, equations and spreadsheets—as long as they support your life and goals, and not the other way around.

articoli dell'autore

Longevity And Retirement: 8 Great Habits To Rock Life As You Age

by Roger Whitney ContributorRetirement - Forbes 25 Oct. 2019 You are your habits. Every single one of us has habits that impact our lives, but they’re not always good ones. Smoking cigarettes is a habit, after all,...


Passato presente futuro. Il cervello crea il tempo, lo manipola e lo cela all’autocoscienza

Professore emerito di neurochirurgia e neurologia all'Università di Zurigo.Tra i suoi saggi più recenti spiccano "Neurobiologia del tempo" (2017), un'indagine a tutto campo...

Age-Forward Cities for 2030: The Big Challenge What some metros are doing and what so many more could do

By Richard Eisenberg Money & Work Editor October 23, 2019 By 2030, roughly three of every five people on the planet will live in cities....

La differenza tra cavalcare l’onda e aspettare che ci travolga.

A settembre dell’anno scorso il Governo Britannico ha delineato le linee strategiche della politica industriale del paese, articolandole su 4 grandi sfide: intelligenza artificiale e big data;crescita...

Il nuovo business della longevity

From co-housing to sexuality, population aging is translating the most significant demographic phenomenon of recent history into a source of new business Dal co-housing alla sessualità,...

Sei un over 55? Il marketing se ne frega di te

Domanda seria: qual è l’ultima volta che avete visto un over 55 anni in uno spot decente? Il mondo della pubblicità per gli anziani paventa un...