Roger Whitney

articoli dell'autore

Longevity And Retirement: 8 Great Habits To Rock Life As You Age

by Roger Whitney ContributorRetirement - Forbes 25 Oct. 2019 You are your habits. Every single one of us has habits that impact our lives, but they’re not always good ones. Smoking cigarettes is a habit, after all,...

Longevity And Retirement: 8 Great Habits To Rock Life As You Age

by Roger Whitney ContributorRetirement - Forbes 25 Oct. 2019 You are your habits. Every single one of us has habits that impact our lives, but they’re not always good ones. Smoking cigarettes is a habit, after all,...


Longevitech TLV 2023

Active Longevity Institute è alla conferenza su Longevitech di Tel Aviv 2023.

Il tè verde fa bene alla salute del cervello

Uno studio recente condotto da ricercatori della National University of Singapore rivela che le regioni cerebrali di chi assume regolarmente tè verde sono meglio organizzate, il che...

A.L.I. Il primo Osservatorio sull’invecchiamento attivo in Italia

Intervista a Francesco Priore per Radio Canale Italia - Storytime.