A new ageism? Fallout from the Pandemic


Ageism and the decline narrative of aging were around well before the pandemic started, but for some Americans, COVID-19 has spurred a greater sense of a zero-sum game between younger and older generations.

Richard Eisenberg
Richard Eisenberghttps://www.nextavenue.org
Richard Eisenberg knows money and career topics can be stressful for Next Avenue readers. That's why he has made it his mission to write and edit stories which are practical and useful to hopefully relieve their stress and put setbacks (whether personal, national or global) into perspective. As the Managing Editor of Next Avenue and the editor of its Money and Work & Purpose channels, Eisenberg, also a frequent blogger for the site, aims to help people manage their personal finances, find jobs, switch fields, volunteer and find purpose in their lives. “Whether geared toward our readers, their older parents or their millennial children, I’m interested in trends, new laws and new programs, preferring to cover them in a holistic way,” says Eisenberg. A graduate of the Medill School of Journalism at Northwestern University, Eisenberg has been working in the spheres of work and personal finance for decades. His first job out of college was as a fact-checker with Money magazine. Eisenberg made his way up the ranks, eventually being named executive editor. He remained at Money for 19 years, went on to become the money and special projects editor at Good Housekeeping and then the front-page finance editor for Yahoo! The author of two books: How to Avoid a Midlife Financial Crisis and The Money Book of Personal Finance, Eisenberg is an avid reader with interests ranging from novels to nonfiction. Eisenberg and his wife, Liz Sporkin, live in New Jersey and are parents to two talented sons; Aaron, 31, a screenwriter, actor and comedian, and Will, 29, a director and screenwriter. The pair, who live in Los Angeles, are screenwriting partners. With a goal of encouraging Next Avenue readers to find their purpose, Eisenberg has clearly discovered his own. “I’ve never been interested in stories about making rich people richer,” he says. “I like to find ways to help people manage their money and make their careers better. And I want to help them be happier.” His email is reisenberg@nextavenue.org and his Twitter handle is @richeis315


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